Our History

SRM: History
The origin story of Soul Restoration Ministry is a simple one. We were birthed in prayer. Pastor Alvin and his wife, Selloane, began their collective prayer journey as friends in College and the “Friday Night Prayer” tradition remained a pillar of their lives for decades to follow. In 2017, they felt led by the Spirit to step out in faith and formalize the small prayer group that they had been privileged to lead for almost 20 years.

They consulted with their spiritual mentors, friends and loved ones and proceeded to launch their first meeting in January, 2018. 25 people were in attendance that night and God did not disappoint. He was clearly up to something spectacular as the group became increasingly energized and committed to do more for God. More prayers were offered up to God and through his direction, Soul Restoration Ministry (SRM) was born. The first Sunday service was on May 6th, 2018.