Young Adults Restored

Ages 20 - 35

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Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

1 Tim 6:12

Welcome to Young Adults Restored
Welcome to Young Adults Restored

Biblical principles are truths which apply to Christians of any culture and any time. A believer studies the text so that they can interpret it accurately. Application is how the principles of the text might be obeyed. The next step after application is the practical instruction of how one might go about putting into practice the application of a text-Implementation.

In YOUNG ADULT RESTORED we don’t just want you in the door, we want your entire life transformed. Because life is spiritual! Our goal is to connect 20-35 year-olds and assist them in this process. In YOUNG ADULTS RESTORED we focus on pointing back and plugging in to the mission and vision of the Church through bible study, mentorship and fun fellowship.